As we welcome 2010

Thursday, December 31, 2009

As the clock strikes 12, I wish you happiness and love this coming year. Happy New Year! :)

2010 is right around the corner. In about 3 hours, we will be welcoming another year.

2009 has had it's fair share of ups and downs. Most of them helped me grow a lot. And I guess my perspective in life has really expanded for the most part.

But there's so much to look forward to.

Another year to serve God.

Another year to help make the country better.

Another year to meet new people.

Another year to get inspired.

Another year to love.

Another year to hope for better things to come

Another year to learn.

Another year to be thankful for the graces I've received.

Another year to share my blessings.

Another year to forgive and learn from mistakes

Another year to experience new things.

Another year to travel (hopefully abroad na! 2009 was all about the Philippines... Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao)

Another year to mend brokenness.

Another year to build relationships.

Another year to grab opportunities.

Another year to let go.

Another year to be good.

Another year to make something meaningful out of my life.

Another year to bless and be blessed.

Another year to simply live the life we have all been called to live. :)

So to my family, relatives, and friends,
acquaintances, brothers and sisters in the community,
to the everyday heroes and to those who live to serve,

Have a blessed new year.
May God continue to shower graces upon you.
May you always be healthy and strong.

With love I send this note to YOU,

Carmel :)