my favorite moment in Phil. History..

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I’m watching the GMA Anniversary thinking, why wasn’t I born during the most exciting and trying years in Philippine history, which, in my opinion are the best because it brought out the best in the Filipino! People power!

The sheer image of Ninoy Aquino, martyred, lying in his coffin, in itself shows that the Filipino is worth dying for. Anyone who died for our land knew that we are too great a race to fall on a ruthless leader’s hands, subjecting people to much grief and injustice that they didn’t deserve. Amazing how we can rise above the greatest challenges to our democracy.

So please, this May, make the RIGHT choice. Do not vote for anyone who tolerates corruption, steals from the government and defends the wrongdoings of the current admin… I knnw where my vote’s going! ;)


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